2021年度公益財団法人本庄国際奨学財団 外国人留学生(秋採用)奨学生募集 Honjo International Scholarship Foundation for Fall 2021
日本語: https://www.hisf.or.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/2021Fall_bosyuyoukou_foreigner.pdf
English: https://www.hisf.or.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/2021_Fall_bosyuyoukou_foreigner-1.pdf
1 応募資格(抜粋)Requirements (Abstract)
?日本国籍を持たない者。The student who does not possess Japanese citizenship
The student must be enrolled as of Fall 2021 or currently applying for the academic course starting from Fall 2021 at a graduate school in Japan.
The enrollment duration until graduation must be longer than 12 months.
To be eligible, the student applying for the PhD program must start the PhD course by the age of 35. Student applying for the master's program must start the master course by the age of 30.
The student must have a strong will to serve in his / her home country as a future career plan.
The student must be able to carry an everyday conversation in Japanese. Interviews will be conducted in Japanese. (no exception)
2 概要 Outline
募集人数:若干名 Number of Scholarships available: a few
(1)月額20万円を1年~2年間 (2)月額18万円を3年間 (3)月額15万円を4年~5年間
Period and amount of scholarship: The scholarship will be provided every month throughout the minimum period required to acquire the degree. The amount of scholarship depends on the differs based on the period as below:
?200,000 per month for 1 ~ 2 years degree ?180,000 per month for 3 years degree
?150,000 per month for 4 ~ 5 years degree
3 募集期間 Application Period
2021年4月1日~2021年5月5日 From April 1, 2021 to May 5, 2021
※直接財団に申請してください。Apply directry from the foundation's website.
日本語: https://www.hisf.or.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/2021Fall_bosyuyoukou_foreigner.pdf
English: https://www.hisf.or.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/2021_Fall_bosyuyoukou_foreigner-1.pdf