【応募資格 Qualification】
Privately financed international student whose status of visa is "student"
bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址, graduate and research students
Students who have a minimum GPA of 2.30 from the previous year, and maintain the same level of grades
【奨学金の概要 Outline】
?給付期間 Period:2018年4月~2019年3月(1年間)from April 2018 to March 2019
?給付月額Amount:大学院学生および研究生:48,000円 学部学生:48,000円
Graduate and research student: \48,000 per month
bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址: \48,000 per month
【提出書類 Applications】
Please submit all documents as follows to International Office by deadline.
締切:2018年4月25日(水)/ Submission deadline: Wednesday, April 25, 2018
1.私費外国人留学生学習奨励費受給者申請書 Application Form
2.成績証明書(正規生:前年度のもの、研究生:母国の大学等) Transcript
bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址 and Graduate: which certify the last school year's score
Research student: that of the school you most recently graduated
* New students of undergraduate and master's course don't need to submit transcript. New students of doctoral course are required to submit that of master's course.
3.パスポート(写し)Photocopy of passport
4.在留カードの両面の写し Double-side photocopy of residence card
Photocopy of YUCHO bank's bankbook (Only first page is needed)
*This scholarship will be paid only via YUCHO bank. If you don't have an account at YUCHO bank, please open it.
6.成績評価係数の計算方法 How to calculate GPA
- ポスター、概要、成績計算書 (poster, application requirements, how to calculate GPA)
- 申請要項 (guidelines)
- 申請書 (application form)